Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Old Farmers Antique Club Had a annual event in Grand Marsh on 4-26-08 and it was nice to see the community get together and have an event that shows others what it was like before we had the huge tractors like we do now.

The 1st picture is a breaking plow pulled by a John Deere Tractor.I showed my Dad and he told me that plow with the big cutting disk is a breaking plow.They used them for sod bound areas and he said they would also cut right through stumps.I would imagine smaller stumps.

2nd picture is Tyrone.He is plowing with a 300 Farmall.It plowed through the sod like it was plowing through play sand.Nice tractor Mike.

The 3rd picture is a Ferguson (i think a 600)My Grandpa used to over haul and fix these tractors.Never now,he may have worked on this tractor.

4th picture is a H Farmall.I did alot of plowing with a H.My most favorite tractor,i like them so much i have buying replicas from franklin mint.

The 5th & 8th picture is a 2 horse team.There was also a 4 horse team there also.That is something you gotta see in person.After seeing how things were done before the tractor makes a person appreciate things alot more.It's a slow and long process.

6th & 7th picture are garden tractors.The red one i really don't know much about.I did get a little information about the green one.The green on is a home made tractor(that's what Tyrone told me)and is based on a John Deere.It even sounded like a John Deere.Both garden tractors could plow but the red one could plow faster.

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